Halloween nights will be upon us before you know it... be apart of something that brings a festive light into the darkness of crisp October evenings...

When it comes to Halloween, there can be plenty of traditions to enjoy: making costumes, attending parties, eating treats - and if you are a bit of a traditionalist who partakes in fall activities like hay rides, apple picking, and of course pumpkin carving, you may be interested in a new take on an old tradition...
The Great Pumpkin Project, established in 2015, has a mission many Halloween enthusiasts can respect:
"Can you remember back to a time as a kid where Halloween was magic. You had just started school again and were hating every minute of it, but your only solace was that within a month, The Season would begin. The season where it gets dark earlier in the day, the air is crisp and leaves make scratching sounds along the pavement at night. That time of year when things that were brushed off as nonsense, or make believe where now possible. The time when darkness was king. The time where reality bent ever so slightly. The nights where you were sure... something otherworldly was in fact... out there. These nights, and this time of year were, and still are religion to some. The icon, the patron saint, the figure at the altar of that religion... the Jack-o-lantern.
"The Great Pumpkin Project is a movement to bring back the spirit of those nights, and the season's high holiday, All Hallows' Eve."
Every night in the month of October, a lit jack-o-lantern is placed in a spot that looks in need of its presence. On an abandon railroad bridge, at the gates of a cemetery, at the foot of a covered bridge. Anywhere that looks as if it screams Halloween spirit. Jacks can also be placed in highly visible areas, so that the spirit of the high holiday can be felt by anyone who sees it. The project's purpose... to Preserve The Eve Of All Hallows'. To make sure that the feelings we felt as kids in the month of October live on forever. One lit Jack, for 31 nights. Hail The Harvest!"
- The Great Pumpkin Project
A Gallery of Pumpkins by GPP Participants:
A Gallery of Original Pumpkins from GPP's Creator Adam L.:
Be a part of the magic - the Halloween magic, that is!
Wether you're prepared to carve 31 pumpkins for each night in October, several for several, or even just one in particular for one night only (All Hallow's Eve, perhaps?) - feel free to join in on this fun, new-meets-old tradition! Participate in The Great Pumpkin Project (it's easy), and bring some old school aesthetic to your October nights, and to the Halloween shared by those in your community.
Carving tools - I recommend these!
Battery powered tea light candle(s)
Carve your jack o'lantern: No need to get extra with it, simplicity is what makes this activity so delightful - for inspiration check out Salem & Binx post: Vintage Jack O'Lantern Inspiration
Place a battery powered candle inside: Because this pumpkin will be left out of sight, be sure to ONLY use battery powered lights and NOT real candles due to risk of wildfires.
Attach Great Pumpkin Project Tag to Stem: Show your participation! Choose from any predesigned tags by GPP and string them to the stem of your jack o'lantern. If discovered, folks will look up the project, and may find themselves interested in participating - can you imagine a whole town covered in spooky mysterious jack o'lanterns?!
Set in desired location: As mentioned, choose a place that just feels right! ⚠️WARNING: DO NOT enter private property, condemned locations, blocked off areas, etc. Be safe and considerate. Yes, feel free to seek out secluded, hidden areas that can look moody, if you desire, but be careful and aware of your surroundings! Otherwise, seek more populated areas that may be charming and festive already - or areas that look like they could use a little of that!
It's that easy!
Why participate?
Considering you'll probably carve a handful of pumpkins this year as it is - why NOT participate!? The only difference between other jack o'lanterns, really, is:
1. The tag - proclaim your participation.
2. The location - think places that ooze mood!
3. Documentation - leave a pumpkin out, snap some pics, and share using the hashtag #GreatPumpkinProject and send to @GreatPumpkinProject on instagram!
That's it!
Essentially you're giving your pumpkin(s) a touch of extra treatment by sharing them as part of a collective goal. Just these simple add-ons make your jack o'lantern part of something more - a movement, really - which, of course, helps to restore the traditional and nostalgic aesthetic of Halloween. Who doesn't love keepin' it old school when it comes to Halloween?!
Don't forget to check out:

"Happy Haunting!" 🎃
#SalemandBinx #Blog #Post #HOWTO #Halloween #GreatPumpkinProject #GPP #DIY #Crafts #WorldMarket #Tools #Instagram #BasictoExtra #Basic #Pumpkin #PumpkinCarving #Haunter #Community #Decor #JackOLantern #Ideas